Posts by category: Entertainment

Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, Iconic Critic of Fast Food, Passes Away at 53

Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, Iconic Critic of Fast Food, Passes Away at 53

Morgan Spurlock, a famous documentary filmmaker known for his critical eye on the fast food industry, has died at 53. His landmark 2004 documentary 'Super Size Me' revealed the health effects of eating only McDonald's food for a month. Spurlock passed away from cancer complications in New York, leaving a significant impact on both the film industry and public health awareness.

Actress Motilola Akinlami Accuses Kunle Afod of Sabotaging Her Nollywood Career

Actress Motilola Akinlami Accuses Kunle Afod of Sabotaging Her Nollywood Career

Actress Motilola Akinlami has publicly accused fellow actor and director Kunle Afod of actively sabotaging her career in Nollywood by influencing producers to hire others instead of her. She details specific incidents involving lost roles, including the influence of Afod's wife, leading to her rejection from numerous projects.