NY Covid Advisor Jay Varma Caught in Underground Rave and Sex Party Scandal

NY Covid Advisor Jay Varma Caught in Underground Rave and Sex Party Scandal

Jay Varma’s Involvement in Secret Underground Parties During the Pandemic

New York City’s fight against the COVID-19 pandemic was led by many officials who urged the public to adhere to strict safety measures. Among these figures was Dr. Jay Varma, who served as a senior advisor for public health during the Bill de Blasio administration. Varma was integral in enforcing the city’s vaccine mandates and promoting various health guidelines. However, a recent revelation has painted a contrasting picture of his personal actions during this critical time.

In a turn of events that has left many New Yorkers stunned, Dr. Jay Varma has been exposed for attending secret drug-fueled sex parties while advocating for public health protocols. This shocking disclosure came to light through a video released by conservative podcaster Steven Crowder. The footage, recorded via a hidden camera, shows Varma openly discussing his participation in these illicit gatherings. This revelation has raised numerous questions about the integrity and behavior of public officials during the pandemic.

The Shocking Video

The video, which is now circulating widely, captures Varma in an unguarded conversation with a woman identified as a journalist. During their interaction, Varma boasts about his involvement in parties that were far from “Covid-friendly.” He admits to hosting a sex party with his wife at a hotel and describes attending a 200-person dance party under a Wall Street bank. His casual recounting of these events includes details about drug use, specifically highlighting the consumption of molly, and expresses relief at the ability to engage in such activities again after a lengthy hiatus.

A Stark Contrast

This disclosure starkly contrasts with the public image Varma had cultivated during his tenure as a senior advisor. Charged with enforcing vaccine mandates and promoting social distancing, he was seen as a pillar of the city's battle against COVID-19. The parties he described were in direct violation of the very guidelines he helped establish, guidelines adhered to by millions of residents to curb the spread of the virus. His admission has led to a wave of public outcry and disappointment, with many feeling betrayed by a figure they trusted.

Admittance and Criticism

In response to the video, Dr. Varma has acknowledged its authenticity but was quick to claim that the footage had been manipulated and taken out of context. He admits to attending private gatherings but insists that the narrative presented by Crowder is misleading. “I take full responsibility for my poor judgment during those times,” Varma stated, while also condemning the source of the leak. He criticized the operation’s mastermind, describing the individual as part of an “extremist right-wing organization” known for discrediting tactics and being banned from several media outlets. Despite his defense, Varma’s admission of attending two private gatherings between April 2020 and May 2021 has done little to quell public outrage.

Public Reaction

The revelation has sent shockwaves through New York City, where residents have endured stringent lockdowns and severe restrictions throughout the pandemic. Many have expressed their dismay and anger at Varma’s actions, feeling deceived and disillusioned by a key public health figure. The incident underscores a deeper narrative about the conduct of public officials and the trust placed in them by the populace. It raises critical questions about accountability and the ethical responsibilities of those in positions of power, especially during unprecedented crises.

The Wider Implications

While Dr. Varma’s actions are deeply troubling on an individual level, they also reflect a broader issue within public administration. The pandemic has required unwavering dedication from public health officials, with the expectation that they serve as role models for the public. Instances like these, where personal conduct starkly deviates from public mandates, can severely undermine public trust and compliance. This scandal could potentially have long-term repercussions on how such officials are perceived and trusted in the future.


As the fallout from this revelation continues to unfold, the incident serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of integrity, transparency, and accountability among public health officials. Dr. Jay Varma’s actions have not only tainted his own legacy but have also highlighted the critical role of trust in public health administration. It remains to be seen how this scandal will impact public opinion and future governance, but it undeniably marks a troubling chapter in New York City’s ongoing battle against COVID-19.

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